Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ToonIndia and IToon

A Picture says a lot more than a whole set of words can!

This is IToon here with ToonIndia, a Blog Site thru which day-to-day real life situations will be expressed & discussed in Comic ways using Cartoon Characters. These Cartoon Characters would be taken from real life & they could be you, me or any other person. ToonIndia will talk about any & all topics ranging from each & every aspect of life be it Work, Relationships, Marriage, Love, Hate, Friendship, Boys, Girls, Men, Women, sex to almost anything ... The topics discussed could be serious but the Cartoons & their interactions will be represented in a humorous way.

On ToonInida new themes or new topics or new situations will be displayed almost on a daily basis. Most of the people would be able to relate to the topics, and we expect people to express their opinoins on each and every topic displayed on ToonIndia. If you have any topic that you would like to see on ToonIndia, you can notify IToon about it.

ToonIndia is just a simple attempt to bring smiles on the faces of it's readers and at the same time discuss or display some important Topics. We hope you would like it ....

1 comment:

Sami said...

I stumbled onto this blog through one of my team members, Ajay!

Hmmm... good work... stay creative!