Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Competition ......

Yes, Competition is everywhere .... Infact this an age of Competition !!!
But do we ever think about what to compete, how to compete, where to compete .....
This is an age of equality too .... Women are competing with Men equally in each and every field of life .... which is great and it is something that was required since a long time ...

But is it right to compete about bad/wrong things under the pretense of equality or freedom. If 100 people are doing wrong/bad things, does it become the right thing to do? Now a days it has become a fashion to do immoral, unethical things under the pretense of freedom, sophistication or advancement. We are trying to compete with the western world, but we always tend to take only the Bad things from there .... We tend to ignore their good things !

If we want to Compete, is it not better to Compete for Good Education, Good Professional Career, Good Habits, Good Values, Good Traditions, Good Ethics, a Good Life ....... Instead of doing things to please someone or to compete on bad things for egoistic reasons ....

We need to keep in mind - With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility ..... What we are and what we become is completely upto us ........ The Choice is Ours !!!